Ivana Marchegiani

Art teacher

Who i am

Ivana Marchegiani was born in Cingoli in the province of Macerata in Marche region.

Since the primary school she has demonstrated a propensity for drawing and manual arts, an aptitude that has led her since secondary school to participate in competitions and ex-tempore, achieving prizes and recognition..

She obtained her high school diploma from the experimental technical institute, attended the Glass Restoration School in Ostra, the Academy in Rome at "Studio Lucifero", and specialized in pictorial decoration, fake marble and fake wood productions.

He studied ceramics at the Maestro Ranieri Ceramics School in Deruta, and attended various specialization courses even abroad such as in Zurich, Switzerland, where glass fusing was not yet known in Italy in the 1990s.

Together with the then director of the Civic Library, Paolo Appignanesi, she organized the creative hobby exhibition.

At high school she chose to attend a school different from the art institute, which she wished to enroll in; she chose the social services branch which in any case gave her psychological, social and civic preparation which would be useful in the continuation of her professional career.

Ivana Marchegiani - Working tools

Her passion was always alive and she continued to study, attending the School of Restoration in Ostra, receiving the qualification of "Glass Historian”.

She continued with the Academy in Rome and had the opportunity to broaden his range of views. At the Academy she tells us: "I also brought my son as a young mother, guest of a dear family of whom I had been friends for a long time, I liked taking him to the academy to let him get to know different worlds and people". In the 1990s, she attended a specialization course in glass fusion in Zurich, a still unknown art at that time.

The importance of having also created two stained glass windows for the audience hall for the former Bishop of Macerata Ms. Giuliodori and having restored a gold leaf Tabernacle, gives her the opportunity to also dedicate herself to sacred elements for chapels in various cemeteries of a lot of cities.

She also had the opportunity to purchase a large furnace for melting glass, thanks to a part of the contribution from Marche Region for youth entrepreneurship. The presented project concerns the recovery of glass scraps, which by fusing them together, allows the creation of glass fusion windows and very special objects with soft and fascinating lines, demonstrating particular attention to the environment and the theme of recovery. She also employed several girls in his business and a young man thanks to the '68 law.

There were a lot of exhibitions in which she participated in association with other artisans/artists and personal exhibitions such as in Milan Lacchiarella, on display with high-level master glassmakers, selected from artisans in the sector to represent the Marche region. Exhibitions and fairs in Ancona, Florence, Civitanova Marche.

His works range is from glass processingwith the use of all techniques, to painting and printing of fabrics, to the creation of containers for “panettoni” at Christmas for the well-known Loreto company “Picchio”, to Wedding favors for various companies, such as PI.BE of Monsano, or Bocchini furnishings for the creation of glass frets exported for commercial activities and bars abroad, especially in the United Arab Emirates.

For a certain period she also had a sales agent, then came the choice of either growing abroad and hiring staff, or remaining an artisan artist free to create. The conditions of the Italian economy do not allowed it to make choices that would have made it lose the exclusivity of the objects, as they would have had to be in large quantities.

She chose to dedicate herself to starting a new training activity for a "sabbatical" period and moves to Matelica (in the province of Macerata), where she had the opportunity to expand her projects as a multifaceted entrepreneur with solid experience in various sectors.

Some of his famous works

One of his hand-painted ceramic plates was donated to Pope John Paul II° (Wojtyla) it represented Macerata craftsmanship, on the occasion of the Jubilee in 2000.

The well-known painter Ivo Batocco dedicated a review written in his own hand to her.

She currently works with architects, interior designers and private individuals who directly commission furnishing and gift items to have in their home or donate something personalized, different and unique.

It creates objects and windows, for all needs and environments.

She is present in the yearbook of women entrepreneurs of the "Marisa Belisario Foundation”, awarded in various exhibitions, and was present in the Women's Agenda published by the Marche Region in the 1990s, at the beginning of her activity.

She received the "Woman Enterprise" award from the Macerata Chamber of Commerce.

“The greatest satisfaction is always given by my customers who appreciate, purchase and order from the simplest to complex jobs. I try to enter into the psychology of customers by interpreting their requests through sketches, until I get to the actual realization. The choice of colors and the combination are particularities that have distinguished me over time, this is what the customers who have entrusted themselves in my hands say about me..."”

Projects and collaborations

Furniture recovery & restoration

The colors of water

Art and theater


Ivana Marchegiani Award Ceremony

"Woman Enterprise" award ceremony

Macerata Chamber of Commerce Initiative

Ivana Marchegiani

Marche Artisan Excellence

Recognition plaque

Ivana Marchegiani

Woman Enterprise Award


Ivana Marchegiani

Award ceremony

Regional President Confartigianato

Ivana Marchegiani

Expo Donna

Villa Potenza

Ivana Marchegiani

The Protagonists

Yearbook of women artisan entrepreneurs

Ivana Marchegiani

Marisa Bellisario Foundation

Woman as an active part of society

Looking for a unique product?

Contact me, tell me about your idea and what you would like your product to look like.
Together we will build the design and I will make your unique piece.